I noticed that Paul four times talks about Peace in this section
(v.14, v.15 & v.17). He explains that their is peace in the believers life through and because of Jesus. So, not only do we now have peace with God, but we can also experience peace here on earth, in our daily lives. Because Jesus is the cornerstone, we can experience peace even when times are tough, situations and circumstances seem completely un-peaceful, and especially when God is silently stretching our faith and teaching us new and needed lessons (of which I am continually experiencing).
I've noticed in my life, I always want peace when I can't hear God's voice. I don't hear Him audibly or anything like that, but I know when God is speaking and when He is remaining silent. Usually it involves some major decision or life crisis, and when I try to move without hearing from Him it always goes bad. But the weird thing is, that I almost only want to hear from Him when a decision needs to be made or I have some problem that I need Him to fix. I don't find myself seeking His peace when things are going good, only when things are messy. It's hard to have peace when I feel all alone, yet it's not something I desire when I have it. Do you get what I'm saying?
What Paul seems to be getting at in these few verses is that with Jesus, peace is continually available. We have peace with God because of Jesus sacrificial life, death, burial and resurrection. Jesus has reconciled us back to God and now our lives are intertwined with God because Jesus presents us to the Father completely sinless, washed by the blood of Jesus. We have a new citizenship and acceptance because of Jesus, so why don't we have peace? What can separate us from God's love?...nothing! Why do we often worry about our future, finances, and past failures? Is it because we truly have not experienced the peace that Jesus offers? I think most of us never experience peace because we never truly experience who Jesus is and what Jesus has done. I mean we know the right Scriptures (and often use them in times of crisis), we speak "Christianese" and know what we are supposed to say (especially when we are "in church" or talking to the "pastor"), heck we even drive around with ridiculous bumper stickers like "Real Men Love Jesus," without the slightest awareness of what it truly means to love and know Him. Now I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade, and I'm certainly not saying that if you do any of the things you're not a believer, I'm just thinking about all the years that I said I was a Christian, and had no idea what that even meant (beyond I'm saved from my sin so I get to go to heaven).
This was supposed to be a quick post for the week, but I guess there's some stuff bottled up inside me that just needs to come out. So here are the final thoughts. Have you experienced the peace that Paul talks about here in Ephesians 2? Do you know who Jesus is and what your relationship with Him looks like? Maybe it's time to get real with God. Maybe it's time to cry out, "Jesus I'm begging You to mediate to the Father for me! I need to know what You want for my life and family. Would you please send me your peace today!" If you're in this spot, be encouraged. It has taken me a long time to understand my position in Christ (and I still am just at the beginning), but I think that getting to this point is a great place to start. Look, listen, and wait for the peace that only Jesus brings, because if you truly seek Him, He will reveal Himself to you.